Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ace Cable

Data Collection – Ace Cable RES 351 Data Collection – Ace Cable As stated in the week two, Ace Cable is an established company that offers cable television, telephone and internet services to its customers. These services are available to customers across the United States and they have been in business since 2000. In recent years, the competition has grown and Ace Cable is experiencing a decrease in customer enrollments. Customers now have multiple options to consider before enrolling into an agreement and Ace Cable is conducting research to persuade more people to sign on with the company.The research included defining the population from which the samples were collected. When it comes to the population and the different samples collected, the main goal is to focus on customers and provide outstanding services by conducting customer interviews, and surveys including group interviews of all ages. There are several methods that have taken place concerning collecting sam ples. The individual interviews we have collected were samples by applying surveys, from face to face interviews, in-store feedback, and telephone surveys. These surveys and interviews are conducted on a daily basis.These surveys are taking place in order to better our business when it comes to Ace cable. Individuals are completing surveys by voicing their opinions when it comes to the services and the channels that are selected. By having these surveys and interviews in place, we are getting the best feedback on what type of services they are looking forward to and what needs to be improved. In regard to group interviews, samples are being collected by surveys that are conducted at the time of the interviews. The surveys samples that are collected deals with expectations, feedback, and improved service.By having these different outcomes taking place, we can collect enough samples through interviewing and surveys bring an outstanding cable company. Next step is to determine the appr opriateness of the sample size. In researching ACE Cable we were able to find it effective in our methods of sampling as well as appropriate for the sample size. Since ACE Cable is a well-known company that ranges all over, we found it key that more than just area sampling (the most important form of cluster sampling) was used in the research. As mentioned earlier, ethods such as interviews, surveys, face to face contact, telephone surveys, and in-store feedback all played a vital role in how it was made possible to reach out on a wide network of customers and collect data. Through each individual store and employee of ACE cable at different locations covering all of the company’s population, feedback is being taken to ensure data is all being compiled for better use of the business' effectiveness. With probability sampling the data of ACE Cable was able to be more detailed and precisely researched on its large scale. Sources of bias or errors are possible when sampling.Valid ity is the degree to which the investigative goals are measured accurately, and the degree to which the research truly measures what it intended to measure. Another measurement tool is reliability, which measures consistency. Reliability refers to the extent to which the research measure is a consistent and dependable indicator of the investigation. If the measuring technique provides the same results once the measurement is repeated the accuracy of the measurement is high (Suresh, 2011) Selection biases are induced by sampling design. The sample group must be a true representation of the population without errors.It is important to decide how you select an appropriate setting and sample to conduct the study in order to avoid errors. Data collection takes place after sampling. Observation approach, investigative questions, communication approach, and questioning approach are just a few data collection methods used to collect data. Observation approach research is collected data thro ugh watching, recording, and analysis of observed behavior as it occurs in a natural setting. Investigative Questions are specific questions that the researchers ask to provide sufficient details and answers to research questions.Communication Approach research is collected of data through mass communication, media or speech. That kind of data involves surveying or interviewing people and recording their responses or analysis. Questioning approach research is better known a surveying. Survey is the process of data collected through interviews, questionnaires, the telephone, mail, a computer, e-mail, or the Internet (Cooper, 2011). The researches decided surveys would be the best way to determine why Ace Cable enrollment decreased and surveys constructed in a format that eliminates any ethical concerns. The data collection has no ethical concerns.All surveys contain the privacy act statement. All surveys explain study benefits and all participants’ answers remain confidential. The surveys are mailed across the United States and surveys are in the customer lobby. At this time, the researchers will not conduct e-mail surveys. It’s best to determine customers’ responses via mail and in-house first before branching out if there is a lack of participation. Cooper, D. &. (2011). Business research methods. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Suresh, K. T. (2011). Design, data analysis and sampling techiques for clinical research. Retrieved July 25, 2012, from RES 351.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Genetically Modified Organism and Monsanto

  Does Monsanto maintain an ethical culture that can effectively respond to various stakeholders? Monsanto Company is trying to maintain an ethical culture with various stakeholders. The company used the concept of Social Responsibility and Business Ethics to create a reputation value to various stakeholders. For instance, Monsanto gave fifteen million dollars to Donald Danforth Plant Science Center to do crop research in Africa. Also, the fund helped Brazilian children to maintain good health and basic hygiene. Additionally, Monsanto supported students who want to study agriculture.However, Monsanto Company’s regulation had become financial burden to many farmers. Farmers who buy seeds from Monsanto could not saved for future plant. Otherwise, Farmers will have to pay for Monsanto when they find out. Furthermore, Monsanto produced products that involved in the risk of animals and human health. Some of Monsanto’s actions should considered moral temptation. #2. Compare the benefits of growing GMO seeds for crops with the potential negative consequences of using them. As the GM seeds introduced to the United States and across the globe since 1990, many farmers stopped complaining failure of crops.This had helped farmers spent little expenses, but gain as triple profits. Farmers who using GM seeds applauded the existence of Monsanto Company, because with the same acre of land, they are able to double the crops. Thus, as far as the farmers are making profits, they will continue buying the GM Seeds. For this reason, there is a major concerned for consumer that the GM seeds could affect human and animals’ health for using it. However, the FDA clarified that â€Å"biotech crops are safe to use†, but critics’ doubt about the short-term period of GM seeds which unable to determined the long-term effects.3. How should Monsanto manage the potential harm to plant and animal life from using product such as Roundup? Monsanto Officials wan ted to calm the situation. They clarified to the critics that EPA has been studies and approved for Roundup Ready. Environment and human health won’t get effective. The company also defends that even though â€Å"1% of glyphosate contaminate ground water, it is soluble and will not have much effect on aquatic species† (P. 307). Reference Ferrell, O. C. , Fraedrick, J. , Ferrell, L. , (2008), Business Ethics: Ethical decision making and cases. Boston, MA: Houghton Miffin Company

Monday, July 29, 2019

Week 5 Forum Bay of Pigs Failure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 5 Forum Bay of Pigs Failure - Assignment Example The location of the invasion was also very inappropriate considering the lack of an escape route at Bay of Pigs. The location had been chosen quite hurriedly without a consideration of many factors. It proved very hard for the attackers to escape and engage the government in guerrilla warfare. President Kennedy was much worried about an obvious involvement of America in the operation and therefore supplied the operation with only sixteen obsolete aircraft. However, this was done without a consideration of the Cuban fleet. Another major mistake arose when against the advice of the military officials the President reduced the initial fleet from sixteen to eight. That decision was an indication that the whole operation was headed for failure. At the planning stage, the Secretary of Defense actually admitted that the plan was bound to fail considering the haphazard manner in which the operations were conducted. It was much important to totally focus on destroying the Cuban air force at the outset of the operation. However, this was impossible considering the limited attacking fleet1. Part of the failure of the invasion is attributed to the poor coordination between intelligence and operations. Indeed, it is seen that Kennedy did not have much knowledge on intelligence related affairs and did not therefore regard it as essential. For the success of such an operation, much information should have been gathered on the Cuban regime. Information on the training of the solders, demography and the defense ability of the military should have been gathered effectively. It was important to have a close association between intelligence and operations so as to provide the necessary preparation and preparedness for the invasion. Indeed, the fear of exposure was the major concern of America in the whole operation. In this case, everything was done with a need to ensure that such exposure was not possible. However, this was also the major cause of failure in the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Importance of Nonprofits in the current economy and society Research Paper

Importance of Nonprofits in the current economy and society - Research Paper Example sed level of production as the world economy gained from the effects of the second world war, coupled with the high technological adaptation changed the reasoning and thinking of most people in the world. As such, different cultures developed because of these factors. While discussing the counterculture movement of the 1960s, this paper will pay particular attention to the hippie movement, the new left movement and the women movement that led to the growth of feminism and equality among women and men. During the 1960s and the early 1970s, various political movements emerged in the west. Regarded as the new left, countries taking part in these movements advocated for political change their countries. These movements attracted mostly the middle class of the United States and the middle class. While most of the earlier movements advocated for labor changes in their countries, the new west movement advocated for social changes in the United States and other western countries (Roussopoulos 127). Particularly in the United States, mass campus protests and radical leftist movements characterized the New Left movement. The New Left movement also criticized the Old Left ideologies, which saw an increase in civil unrests in the United States. Due to the authoritarian leadership style that characterized the old left politics and organizational leadership, there was the need for a change. In order to end this, the New Left movement aimed at ending the period of authoritarian rule by advocati ng for democracy at both the national government and the organizational level. It is important to note that during the 1960s, there was a rapid growth in the middle class among the American population (Skrentny 66). Coming from the Second World War, the economy was undergoing dynamic changes, especially in the level of investment by the people and other government agencies. As such, jobs were easy to come across. The development in the countries, private sector, coupled by the increase in

List of book 234 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

List of book 234 - Essay Example Description: This brightly colored picture book tells the story of a couple who adopts a child from another country. It is a helpful aide for teaching kids about adoption. Karen Katz (Author, Illustrator) Description: This picture book for young children teaches children about the different kinds of families in the world today. It is particularly helpful in teaching about multiculturalism and acceptance. Description: This award winning book presents the classic Aesop’s Fable about a lion and a mouse who are overcome their differences and help each other. This is a good book for teaching children about overcoming differences and helping one another. Description: This book is particularly helpful for toddlers as it teaches how to control emotions and how to calm down when upset. For any child with tantrum problems, this can be a great tool with its fun pictures and rhymes. Elizabeth Verdick (Author) †º Visit Amazons Elizabeth Verdick PageFind all the books, read about the author, and more.See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central Day and Night Description: This is a picture book for children at preschool age or younger. It is a humorous tool for teaching children about things that they should do such as changing their socks each day and things that they should not such as brushing teeth with peanut

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Finance- Global Stock Markets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Finance- Global Stock Markets - Essay Example The Dow Jones low point was USD10,608 and its high point was USD 11,439 a fluctuation of only USD 831, or slightly less than 1%. The change from the first point (September 20) to the last date charted (November 22) was even lower. The Israeli stock exchange rose from USD 34,361 to USD 35, 348, an increase of USD 987. At the same time the Dow Jones rose from USD 10,608 to USD 11,083.75, an increase of only USD 475.75. This means that if an individual had invested USD 100,000 across the board in each stock exchange at the end of the period their Israeli investment would be worth USD 104,597.90 while their Dow Jones investment would have increased to USD 104, 484.80. Over a period of less than three months this is not an inconsiderable profit, particularly if it were to be increased by a factor of five to make it roughly equivalent to one year (as opposed to ten weeks). On the other hand, it demonstrates a remarkable disconnect between the markets and current events. This was no ordinary period in either the United States or Israel yet, viewed over two months, the stock exchanges slowly, but reasonably steadily, increased in value. In the United States a mid-term election campaign was waged, that included cataclysmic predictions of a Democrat debacle and featured the wild card of the tea partiers. In fact the Dow Jones increased steadily from September until the election: The campaign uncertainty and predictions of disaster for the Presidents party had no negative impact on the stock market. On October 28, 2010, only days before the election New York Times columnist Paul Krugman wrote, â€Å"future historians will probably look back at the 2010 election as a catastrophe for America, one that condemned the nation to years of political chaos and economic weakness.† His piece concluded with this warning: â€Å"So if the elections go as expected next week, here’s my advice: Be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Book Report on Playing the Enemy by John Carlin Essay

Book Report on Playing the Enemy by John Carlin - Essay Example Uniting the blacks and whites in South Africa was considered a lost cause by many people, because the divide did not only center on colour, but culture as well. The whites had a more Western-influenced culture than the blacks who clearly embraced their traditional African roots. This was the challenge that Nelson Mandela, a black South African president faced. But he, being a man who rarely gave up, knew that if there was a God in heaven, then there was hope for unity, no matter how tall the obstacle is. With this, he took upon himself to find a way to unite the two camps of humanity that shared the same land. For he too believed that, as long as we both live in the same land, â€Å"your freedom and mine cannot be separated† (Carlin, 2008, 23). The book reveals that Nelson Mandela decided to make his move in a rugby game because rugby was one of the favourite recreational sports for the white South Africans. It was a sport the blacks did not take much part in, for they deemed it a white-man’s game. But despite this, there is some influence that sports can exert to people. It has the ability to make friends out of enemies, because it helps them come together to cheer for a common interest. Carlin (2008, Page 163) showed belief in the power of sport when he mentioned Mandela’s statement, â€Å"let us use sport for the purpose of nation-building and promoting all the ideas which we think will lead to peace and stability in our country†. The team in focus were the Springboks, the then national rugby team of South Africa. A significant number of people can be found who believe that, that team was one of the best rugby teams the nation ever had. But though it represented the nation, it was entirely composed of white men, and as expected, the audience was mostly whites. Strangely, Mandela saw this as a ripe field to promote his agenda. But this was no walk in the park for the great man. He would have to gather all the charm and charisma he had amassed during his 50 years of activism, and his strategy demanded a cause all South Africans could support. His strategy was pure genius. He agreed to host the 1995 rugby world cup games in South Africa. In addition to this he endeavoured to inspire the black South Africans to develop an interest for the sport. Although not fully successful in this endeavour, he managed to get enough blacks onto his bandwagon to ensure that his plan would work out smoothly. For the Springboks, they were facing one of the giants of the sport, the gargantuan New Zealand All Blacks, a team whose unparalleled success and discipline spoke for itself. This was no easy game for the Springboks and they knew it very well. Their chances of winning were small, but greater still, their chances of winning the hearts of their black countrymen were much smaller. Carlin specified some prominent men that contributed in making that day eventful. The first individual is Francois Pienaar the six foot Captain of th e Springboks. The other one is, Linga Moonsamy, Mandela’s top bodyguard on that day. Other prominent figures are, Niel Barnard, who was once the head of the intelligence services during the apartheid-era, and Justice Bekebeke a man that had spent a significant amount of time under death sentence for committing murder, and Desmond Tutu who is revealed

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Managed Care System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managed Care System - Essay Example Till 1980’s there was only a trifle between the public and private players of health care. But, the overall payment system concentrated on fee for service basis. Accordingly, each visit was counted as an episode. The physician had the liberty to administer treatment according to his diagnosis. As private insurance mostly dominated the scene, the physicians, to fulfill their selfish ends, could also recommend for unwanted tests, hospital stays and drugs. Patient safety was their only cap and they could re-jig monetary considerations underneath this consideration. The insurers also never complained as major bill payment was a responsibility of the employers. But, employers understanding this disadvantage started to backlash on the reasons of uncapped expenditure and over utilization of resources. This of course was a valid point. As more and more are getting enrolled into the health care, fee for service model has become outdated giving way for Managed Care Organizations (MCO’s). (Christensen. C., Grossman. J., Hwang. J. 2009) As accountability comes into picture, unnecessary expenditure gets curbed automatically. From past 30 years, MCO’s have been well placed and growing in the market. The main postulates of their existence are: Lowered rates of hospital admission, in patient treatment, procedural expenditure. This has resulted in a mixed result of outcomes that some patients were treated satisfactorily while many did not have that contentment about care practices. Development of state insurance sector commensurate to private players. Giving an inevitable choice to the employer and employees to be enrolled into those organizations for reduced health costs. (Anonymous., 2010). All these recommendations by the bill only point out that the MCO’s are here to stay for some more time. If not for them, accountability and cost reduction for the insurer’s purpose fulfillment would never be possible. In short, the arrangement seeks to reduce the health

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

TORT Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

TORT - Term Paper Example The Page case established foreseeability of personal injury, whether physical or injury, as a pivotal element in tort claims. It is a legal dictum applicable only to primary or direct victims. The Alcock case, on the other hand, dealt with secondary victims or claimants suffering from psychiatric injury by reason of their exposure to the injury or death of a loved one. It established three control mechanisms: establishment of close ties of love and affection between claimant and victim, albeit this is presumed in certain cases; establishment of presence at the accident site or immediately after, and; establishment of psychiatric injury as a result of directly witnessing the accident or its immediate aftermath. In the present case, however, the police officers/rescuers were not claiming as secondary victims, accidentally witnessing their loved ones dying or being injured, but as primary victims suffering psychiatric injuries as a result of being in the rescue operation. ... The House of Lords was faced with the dilemma of granting claims to policemen/rescuers for psychiatric illness when it had earlier, in Alcock, refused similar claims by close relatives of the victims. Moreover, the prospect of expanding claims on the ground of psychiatric illness posed four issues: the complication of drawing the line between serious grief and psychiatric illness; the effect on claimants suffering from psychiatric illnesses in the event of an expansion; the floodgate doctrine – where more classes of persons will be suing on the ground of psychiatric illness, and; a lopsided liability burden on defendants vis-a-vis tortious conduct. 4 On the basis of the above, the HL was persuaded to dismiss the claims of the police officers/rescuers, observing that where the law on psychiatric injury is concerned, the Court should stop provisionally at the boundaries established by the cases of Alcock and Page until and unless Parliament itself conducts a revamp by enacting l aws that would finally settle all pertinent issues. This, the Court observed, was the prudent thing to do. Q2 Victor should institute an action for tort against William, for his broken legs and ribs, and against the hospital for mistakenly amputating his arm. William is liable for the broken legs and ribs of poor Victor notwithstanding that the slow-speed collision was supposed to have only caused bruising. Under the eggshell skull rule, a â€Å"defendant is liable in tort for the aggravation of a plaintiff’s existing injury or condition, regardless of whether the magnitude of the injury was foreseeable.† 5 Thus, in Smith v Leech Brain & Co,6 the Court granted the claim of the widow of a worker who died of cancer three years after a molten metal accidentally

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Financial Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing Financial Services - Essay Example This paper will deal with in detail the issues and challenges faced by Barclays Bank as well as a clear and well drawn out SWOT analysis of the company. The paper will first provide an overview of the company and will also discuss in detail the reasons for choice of the bank. Overview of Company Barclays Banks has been one of the trusted and well known banks across almost 50 countries. The bank has been able to cater to the markets and provide the customers with excellent banking facilities for over three hundred years. Spread across fifty countries, the company employees around 145,000 employees and services almost 48 million customers worldwide. The company deals with several different activities and services like â€Å"retail banking, credit cards, corporate banking, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services with an extensive international presence in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia† (Barclays Bank, 2011). The bank is made of two main cl usters, i.e. Global Retail Banking and Corporate and Investment Banking and Wealth Management. Each of these clusters has a number of individual business units as well. Another major part of the company is the Group Center. The company is head by Group Chairman Marcus Agius and the Chief Executive is Robert E. Diamond, Jr. The company is headquartered in Churchill Place in London. It however caters to the markets across the world both for its products and services (Barclays Business, 2011). Reasons for Choice Barclay’s Bank has been recognised for its international nature and the bank has built its image across Asia, America, Europe and Africa. The company’s brand name and image that it has created allows it to become a name for every home. Also, Barclay has been extremely successful in marketing itself over the years (Barclays Sustainability, 2011). The bank has developed a strong brand image across the globe. Also, Barclay’s overall strategies and corporate fo cus is also an excellent example to study and analyse the SWOT. Hence this company proves to be an excellent example to study here. Barclay’s Strategy and Principles As in the case of every bank, the main aim of the company is to provide credit to businesses and households, to help improve their growth and jobs. Barclay has also constantly focused on improving its business by diversifying into different areas (Barclays Bank, 2011). A major attempt of the company is to increase its presence in the markets and segments, and this has clearly been achieved by means of innovative products and services for customers across the world (Barclay Card, 2011). All strategies of the company are based on three main aspects i.e. â€Å"Earn, Invest and Grow† (Barclays Bank, 2011). The group’s ambition and the overall commitment have grown the company to become a part of the universal banks. Barclays also has set down four main strategic priorities which include, a) To be able t o build the best bank in UK, accelerated and increased global growth, development of both retail as well as commercial activities across selected countries outside of the United Kingdom and last but not the least operational excellence (Barclays

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mark Twain Short Stories Essay Essay Example for Free

Mark Twain Short Stories Essay Essay Mark Twain has composed a myriad of short stories over a long period of time. Twain writes with the passion to charm and amuse the reader. Every single sentence he writes makes one want to keep reading on to see what happens next. His stories also offer a comment on human nature and Twain often questions conventional wisdom. Just because someone’s life did not attach to with what many people see normal, Twain seems to be asking if that makes them lucky when they don’t fail. He responds to that question and challenges the reader to think twice in his short stories. Mark Twain’s stories seem to never be lacking hilariousness. In Luck, for example, he brings out the subject, Lieutenant-General Lord Arthur Scoresby, as a dignified and decorated soldier but then makes a quick turn by quoting the town Reverend saying, â€Å"Privately – he’s an absolute fool† (Twain 265). This blunt change allows Twain the chance to recount the tale told by the Reverend concerning Scoresby’s many failures in battle. Additionally, he sets up the reader in The Story of the Bad Little Boy by painting a dreary picture as to what could happen to the main character. Twain then excitedly breaks the ice with an amusing reveal of what actually happened. Twain writes, â€Å"Is it right to disobey my mother? Isn’t it sinful to do this? Where do bad little boys go who gobble up their good kind mother’s jam?† and then he didn’t kneel down all alone and promise to never to be wicked any more, no that is the way with all other bad boys in the books†¦ He ate that jam, and said it was bully; and he put in the tar, and said that was bully, also, and laughed, and observed that the old woman would get up and snort† (11). This process of creating a sullen circumstance and then flamboyantly reversing course is depicted in most of Twain’s stories and was used to have a great effect. Mark Twain used humor to thrill the reader, which he did effectively and consistently, but he also used it make a clear point. The most frequent point he was trying to make was that society is too uptight. In The Story of the Bad Little Boy, he underlines a wide range of â€Å"bad† things that the main character does but wraps it up that it had little bearing on him when he became a man. Twain writes, â€Å"And he grew up and married, and raised a large family, and brained them all with an ax one night, and got wealthy by all manner of cheating and rascality; and now he is the infernalest wickedest  scoundrel in his native village, and is universally respected, and belongs to the legislature† (13). This was Twain’s way of getting at the notion that a naughty child will always be a bad person. He does this again in Science vs. Luck in which he pokes fun at the over-the-top laws against gambling and games of chance. Twain does this through the main character, a nifty attorney, who argues that the game of seven-up is actually a game of science rather than chance so should not be considered gambling. Twain writes, â€Å"We, the jury in the case do hereby unanimously decide that the game commonly known as old sledge or seven-up is eminently a game of science and not chance†¦ In demonstration where of it is hereby and herein stated, iterated, reiterated, set forth and made manifest that, during the entire night, the â€Å"chance† men never won a game† (73). By using humor to sink in the message, Twain was able to poke fun at the conservative folks that ruled his day, and ours. Conservative thinking includes the presumption that people who succeed while acting in an unconventional manner must be lucky. Twain also poked fun at that thinking as well. The hero in Luck, Lieutenant-General Lord Arthur Scoresby, was privately thought to be a fool and the luckiest man on earth to survive in the military for decades. Twain then brings up nearly a dozen events in which Scoresby went against conventional wisdom and managed to live, leaving the reader to wonder the question, â€Å"Was it really luck or was Scoresby just good at what he did?† He also attains a familiar and similar goal in The Story of the Bad Little Boy in which the main character survives many near-fatal events to become a pillar of society. Twain seems to ask, â€Å"Was the boy really lucky to survive his childhood or was society too uptight?† Finally, in Science vs. Luck, Twain points out that games of â€Å"chance† are nothing more than complicated science or math problems. Once again, Twain intrigues the reader to consider whether the conservative view is the one and only view. Mark Twain wrote short stories with strong intent. He had a critical yet comical perspective that allowed him to see the humor in serious matters. Twain wrote about them in a way that was entertaining while also serving to share his perspective on his literature. For those readers who took themselves too seriously, they probably only saw the humor part. To those who chose to read between the lines laughed, but also probably stopped to reflect on the message. In his unique way, Mark Twain may have changed the course of human nature and society with his writings. Works Cited Twain, Mark. The Complete Short Stories. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2012. Print.

Games candidate Essay Example for Free

Games candidate Essay I begin my warm up by doing a gentle jog for approximately 3 minutes ( more if necessary) to increase my heart rate to around 120 beats per minute (bpm)  Then I do a lap of the pitch alternating forward and backwards jogging.  I then do a width of the pitch doing side steps.  Afterwards I will do a few ball skills to get my focus.  Stretches  Ankles: Loosen my ankles by lifting my right leg and rotating my foot clockwise and then anticlockwise for several seconds. Repeat with the left leg. Calves: Keeping my right foot firmly straight on the ground, take a stride forward with my left leg and bend my left knee. Repeat with left leg.  Stomach: lie down with my hands by my shoulders in the press-up position. Raise waist off the ground using my stomach muscles, and repeat several times. Stand up straight with your legs apart and muscles relaxed. Put your hands on your hips, and swing clockwise with your hips in a circular motion. Repeat going anticlockwise.  Shoulders: Bring arms behind my back, keeping them together, and stretch backward. Neck: turn chin to left shoulder hold 8 secs, right shoulder hold 8 secs, upwards hold 8 secs downwards for 5 secs.  Arms: place hands together fingers entwined and stretch forward  Hamstrings: Both feet flat on floor. Left knee bent, right knee straight in front. Lift toes upwards. Repeat with alternate legs.  Groin: Legs shoulder width apart horizontally bend left leg and lean to the left repeat with the left leg  After my exercises have been completed I need to warm down because our muscles can only cope with so much exercise in a period of time. If our muscles are vigorously worked they suffer an oxygen debt; if they are not given time to recover then an injury may occur. There may be a collection of lactic acid which a cool down can wear off; the lactic acid would be from the anaerobic training For my warm down I will do a 2-3 minute light jog and then 5 10 mins of stretching paying special attention to muscles used. (Repeat warm up however taking more time) Completing static stretches will help in improving my variety of movement.  APPROPRIATENESS OF CHOSEN EXERCISES  As football requires all of the leg muscles to be strong I decided to work specifically on them. All of my exercises work the leg muscles accordingly ensuring that they all have the adequate amount of stress inflicted upon them. The bike and the rowing machine is a race against the clock to do as many reps as possible, therefore will increase my speed and also my strength in all of my leg muscles: especially my quadriceps. The rowing and static stretches will help me increase my power in order to apply it to various areas of football. Flexibility is increased by dynamic stretches; more flexibility means more movement at the hip joint so therefore more power behind the ball when kicked. More flexibility could reduce the risk of pulling ligaments and tendons. The exercises will strengthen my muscles in order to fight off muscle fatigue and lactic acid. I chose to perform the distance run as I knew that my main area of weakness was my stamina. From my pre-test scores I could easily see that my bleep test score was very low; in comparison to what I thought I was able to achieve.  I thought that with a football match lasting 70 mins this season and me only just managing to last the full match, I would struggle next season when the time increases by a further 10 mins. As football demands both aerobic and anaerobic capacity I thought that doing a distance run, would help me improve both: as both require an athlete to sprint powerfully; recover quickly then sprint powerfully again; because of this I knew my breathing would generally improve.  My post tests scores are clear evidence that both my aerobic and anaerobic capacity improved: my bleep test especially showed this as I improved from 5.5 to 6.2.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Environment And Intensive Farming Environmental Sciences Essay

The Environment And Intensive Farming Environmental Sciences Essay By 5000 BC the Sumerians had developed core agricultural techniques including large-scale intensive cultivation of land, mono-cropping, organized irrigation, and the use of a specialized labour force. Intensive farming or  intensive agriculture  is an agricultural system that aims to produce maximum yield from available land. Besides, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s also an  agricultural  production system characterized by the high inputs of  capital,  labour or heavy usage of technologies such as  pesticides  and chemical  fertilizers  relative to land area. You could say food is produced in large quantities with the help of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The products such as eggs, meat and many agricultural products available in many supermarkets are produced using modern intensive farming. Intensive farming is practiced widely by many of the developed economies of the world. Sustainable intensive farming, intensive aquaculture, intensive live stock farming and managed intensive grazing fall under intensive farming. Environment issues of Intensive Farming Intensive farming may bring some issues to the environment. For instance:- Intensive farming includes the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.  It is also associated with overpopulated animal farms, which are often associated with pollution and animal sickness. And even more disturbing is the fact that the majority of working farms use intensive farming. This means more chemicals on our plate at each meal. The use of such massive amounts of nitrogen based fertilizers contaminates the area lakes and rivers. Forests are destroyed to create large open fields and this could lead to soil erosion and affects natural habits in the forest. The pesticides sprayed on crops destroy pests, contaminate the crops and kill good insects. Eventually, these chemicals are passed on to the human beings.   The fruits and vegetables bought from farms that promote intensive farming are covered with invisible pesticide. These are not easily washed off. The residue of the pesticide affect the health of human beings.   Use of pesticides has numerous negative health effects on workers who applied those, people that live nearby the area of application or downstream from it and consumers who eat the pesticides which remain on their food. INTENSIVE FARMING IN MALAYSIA Livestock farming in Sabah once seen as backyard farming and pose no threat to the environment, but with the rapid development in the livestock industry, particularly in monogastric subsector, coupled with rapid expansion of urban and peri-urban area, livestock farming has become the critical issue. Excessive livestock waste as a result of intensive farming system need to be addressed. Although animal waste can be utilized as a manure to improve the physical and chemical properties of soil, it can also cause environmental hazard if not managed properly. It can caused malodour or odour nuisance to environment, surface water contamination, secondary pollution and also religious sensitivity. Table 1. Estimated Livestock Population of Sabah, 1999 Species Number (Head) Cattle 44,837 Buffalo 50,741 Goat 37,285 Sheep 1,900 Pig 100,000 Chicken 3,400,000 Duck 113,000 Source: (Anon.1999b) Livestock Species Population Waste Produce (m.t.) per Year Poultry 2.4 millions 178,000 Duck 0.5 millions 55,000 Pig 85,000 248,000 Cattle/Buffalo 97,000 1,416,000 Goat/Sheep 38,000 70,000 Total    1,967,000 Source: (Mokhtar and Chia, 2000) Table 2. Total livestock population and the wastes produced per year The rapid growth of the livestock industry caused on environmental problem-related to the livestock waste generated from the intensive farming system. Livestock waste generated from an extensive or semi extensive farming system does not seem to cause any major environmental problem as shown in table 2, cattle or buffalo wastes amount to 1.4 million metric ton compare to pig wastes about 248,000 metric ton. The problem is further aggravated with the rapid development of the urban and peri-urban area where most of the livestock farms are situated. The total livestock population and the waste produced per year for selected animal is illustrated in Table 2. Environmental problems cause by livestock farming Water Pollution Main environmental problem cause by livestock farming is water pollution, according to The Malaysian Environmental Quality Report, 12 rivers in the state were polluted with ammoniac nitrogen (NH3-N) due to livestock farming and domestic wastes in 1997. Water pollution cause by livestock farming occurred due to malfunction of waste lagoon or accidentally spill over from flooded lagoon or deliberate flushing of wastes directly into river system. Water may turn reddish brown and may destroy the fragile ecosystem. Pollution from nutrients contained in animal manure, namely phosphorous and nitrogen is one of the most serious problems, leading to excess algae growth, robbing water of oxygen which may lead to mass destruction of fish. Air pollution The anaerobic decomposition of stored animal wastes generates various volatile metabolic compounds of which a dozen contributes to odour, in particular hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and ammonia. These can cause continuous source of strong, persistent and unreasonably offensive hog/poultry odours. The resulting of air pollution is interfering with surrounding areas. Air pollution in the form of ammonia nitrogen can cause respiratory illness in the neighborhood up to two miles away from the site. Potential source of diseases Beside serious environmental problem, animal waste also may become a source of various diseases such as infectious worm larvae hatched from the worm eggs passed out with the faeces; contamination encrusted with organic matter is an ideal breeding ground of harmful bacteria. Arthropods such as flies, lice, fleas that are attracted by animal waste may trigger outbreak of infectious diseases, because they are the vectors to transmit diseases such as viruses, rickettsiae, protozoa and helminthes. WAYS TO PREVENT There are several ways to prevent Environmental problems cause by livestock farming, fr instance:- To minimize environment problem caused by pig waste there should be proper animal waste management system such as improving the housing adopting by the Pit Recharge System and Concrete Floor unit.   The adoption of the Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBBR) with an Automation, which is waste water treatment system with the function of stirring, aeration and settling.     To reduce the odour emitted from farm, a close housing system with regulated ventilation is used. Thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s mean, by using high efficiency fans at one end of the building; fresh air is sucked ion from outside environment passing through the cooling pad to reduce the temperature before being delivered into the building. Livestock Farming Rules, 2001. In the meantime the Department of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry is well aware of the need to control and rectify irregularities in the livestock farming practices. Base on this, Livestock Farming Rules, 2000 (Draft) was introduced. This regulation was created under the existing Animal Ordinance 1962 (Amended 1998). Under this legislation, all livestock farms shall be operated under the permit of Department of Veterinary Services and Animal Industry, Sabah (DOVSAI).            Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   CONCLUSION Intensive farming or  intensive agriculture  is an agricultural system characterized by the high inputs of  capital,  labour or heavy usage of technologies such as  pesticides  and chemical  fertilizers  relative to land area. Intensive farming is practiced widely by many of the developed economies of the world. However, it may bring disadvantages to our environment. Livestock farming has become the critical issue. The rapid growth of the livestock industry in Sabah caused on environmental problem-related to the livestock waste generated from the intensive farming system. Excessive livestock waste as a result of intensive farming system need to be addressed. If not managed properly, it can caused malodour or odour nuisance to environment, surface water contamination, secondary pollution and also religious sensitivity.       RERERENCES

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein Essay -- essays research papers

THE HOBBIT BY J.R.R. TOLKIEN The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is a story of adventure and danger, and it is a prime example of a romantic plot and fantasy genre. What makes this story such a great example of a romantic plot? One, the unlikely hero, Mr. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit that is dragged on an adventure he doesn’t wish to take. Second, there is a great quest with a reward at its end. Third the great teacher figure, Gandalf is a wizard that helps Bilbo to become the great hero he is destined to be. And lastly the dragon figure, in this story the dragon figure, happened to be a dragon but there are also many miniature dragon figures through out the tale. The story begins with our soon to be hero Bilbo Baggins he’s smoking his pipe and is quite proud of the smoke rings he is managing to make. As Bilbo smokes his pipe, Gandalf stops by to have a talk with Bilbo. He informs Bilbo that he is looking for someone to go on an adventure with him. Although Bilbo is tempted to accept the offer, he declines. Before Gandalf leaves Bilbo decides to invite him for tea the next morning. Dwarves show up at his door instead, one at a time, inviting themselves in until there’s thirteen in all. Bilbo isn’t quite sure of what to make of this, but Gandalf shows up and soon it becomes apparent to Bilbo that he has been chosen by Gandalf to be the thief in an adventure to retrieve some stolen dwarf gold from a dragon named Smaug. He was a very weak character at the start of this adventur...

greek vase painting Essay -- essays research papers fc

Greek Vase Painting   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In modern society, Greek pottery is considered an art which is regarded as much for its aesthetic splendor as its historical significance. However, the role of pottery in ancient Greek culture was far more functional as its primary use was for the transportation and storage of such liquids as water and wine (Encyclopedia Britannica). Due to the durability of the fired clay material, Greek pottery is the only remaining art form that allows us to explore the evolution of this ancient culture. Through that examination, three distinct stylistic periods have been unveiled: Geometric, Orientalizing and Archaic. This analysis will detail these distinct periods as well as three design techniques prevalently used: black figure, red figure and white ground   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first definable period of Greek pottery, Geometric (c. 900-700 BCE), accounts for the majority of ancient vase painting still in existence today; and as such, affords us the broadest view into this art form. The period attributes its name to the geometric forms that artists used to detail their vessels. The primary decorative motifs that distinguish the period include parallel lines, concentric (Metropolitan Museum of Art) rituals as depicted in this Krater from 750 BCE which is characteristic of this era. The primary scene that occupies the widest portion of this particular vase depicts a deceased body placed on its side on a funeral bier surrounded by family members and mourners. The secondary zone below details a procession of horse drawn chariots and soldiers carrying hourglass shields. The illustration of people and animals is both abstract and two-dimensional as artists of the Geometric era regularly used triangular torsos and long thin arms and legs (Stokstad, 160).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second distinct period which originated in Corinth in 700 BCE and spanned one hundred years is now known as the Orientalizing period. This period gets its name from the introduction of Egyptian and Eastern influences on Greek pottery during this time. The impact of foreign styles lead to the introduction of the black-figure technique that has come to epitomize the era. In Black-figure painting, figures and ornaments were drawn in silhouette on the natural clay surface of the vase ... ...des us with a glimpse into the ancient culture using beautiful and detailed designs. The art form has been sustained in fired clay for thousands of years indiscriminately telling its story to the world and to history. Bibliography 1.Chamoux, Francois. The Pallas Library of Art: Greek Art. Greenwich, New York. Graphic Society. 1966. 2. Stokstad, Marilyn. Art History. New York, New York. Harry Abrams, Inc. 2002. 3. â€Å"Black Figure.† black-figure.html 10 November 2004. 4. â€Å"Red Figure.† figure.html 10 November 2004. 5. â€Å"Orientalizing.† 30 September 2004. 6. â€Å"Greek Pottery.† 11 November 2004. 7. â€Å"Greek and Roman Art.† 11 November 2004.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Friday, July 19, 2019

John Nash, A Beautiful Mind Essay -- Mental Health, Schizophrenia

WHAT IS SCHIZOPHRENIA? The modern definition of schizophrenia describes it as a long-lasting psychotic disorder (involving a severe break with reality), in which there is an inability to distinguish what is real from fantasy as well as disturbances in thinking, emotions, behavior, and perception (Cicarelli, p. 557). SYMPTOMS Schizophrenia includes several symptoms. One common symptom is delusions, which are false beliefs that the person holds and that tend to remain fixed and unshakable even in the face of evidence that disproves the delusions (Cicarelli, p. 557). Other common symptoms include speech disturbances, in which people with schizophrenia make up words, repeat words or sentences persistently, string words together on the basis of sounds, and experience sudden interruptions in speech or thought. The thought patterns of those with schizophrenia are also significantly disturbed, as they have difficulty linking their thoughts together in logical ways (Cicarelli, p. 557). Individuals with schizophrenia may also experience hallucinations, in which they hear voices or see things or people who are not really there. Hearing voices and emotional disturbances are key symptoms in making a diagnosis of schizophrenia. An emotional disturbance known as flat effect is a condition in which the person shows little or no emotion. For example, emotions can be excessive and/or inappropriate - a person might laugh when it would be more appropriate to cry (Cicarelli, p. 557). A person with schizophrenia might also exhibit disorganized and extremely odd behavior. For example, some forms of schizophrenia are accompanied by periods of complete immobility, whereas others may involve weird facial grimaces and odd gesturing. Attention is al... ...nly suffered from auditory, not visual, hallucinations. There is also a seen in the film in which Nash is being presented with pens from faculty members. In reality, no such custom exits. â€Å"A Beautiful Mind† is a remarkable movie that sheds light on a complicated and debilitating disorder, in which the person seems to have no control over. It is enlightening and heart warming, I would highly recommend this movie. I must admit, the first time I watch the movie, I went into it not knowing anything about schizophrenia and when it was over, I still felt like I didn’t fully understand the disorder; however, the second time I watched with the knowledge of what schizophrenia is and all of the various symptoms and I find it astonishing that Nash was able to overcome the disorder by sheer willpower over his own mind, as he chose to ignore the voices in his head.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Machine Learning In Medical Applications Health And Social Care Essay

Machine Learning ( ML ) aims at supplying computational methods for roll uping, altering and updating cognition in intelligent systems, and in peculiar acquisition mechanisms that will assist us to bring on cognition from illustrations or informations. Machine larning methods are utile in instances where algorithmic solutions are non available, there is deficiency of formal theoretical accounts, or the cognition about the application sphere is ill defined. The fact that assorted scientific communities are involved in ML research led this scientific field to integrate thoughts from different countries, such as computational acquisition theory, unreal nervous webs, statistics, stochastic mold, familial algorithms and pattern acknowledgment. Therefore, ML includes a wide category of methods that can be approximately classified in symbolic and subsymbolic ( numeral ) harmonizing to the nature of the use which takes topographic point whilst acquisition.2.Technical treatmentMachine Learning provides methods, techniques, and tools that can assist work outing diagnostic and predictive jobs in a assortment of medical spheres. ML is being used for the analysis of the importance of clinical parametric quantities and of their combinations for forecast, e.g. anticipation of disease patterned advance, for the extraction of medical cognition for results research, for therapy planning and support, and for overall patient direction. ML is besides being used for informations analysis, such as sensing of regularities in the informations by suitably covering with imperfect informations, reading of uninterrupted informations used in the Intensive Care Unit, and for intelligent dismaying ensuing in effectual and efficient monitoring. It is argued that the successful execution of ML methods can assist the integrating of computer-based systems in the health care environment supplying chances to ease and heighten the work of medical experts and finally to better the efficiency and quality of medical attention. Below, we summarize some major ML application countries in medical specialty. Medical diagnostic logical thinking is a really of import application country of computer-based systems ( Kralj and Kuka, 1998 ; Strausberg and Person, 1999 ; Zupan et al. , 1998 ) . In this model, adept systems and modelbased strategies provide mechanisms for the coevals of hypotheses from patient informations. For illustration, regulations are extracted from the cognition of experts in the adept systems. Unfortunately, in many instances, experts may non cognize, or may non be able to explicate, what knowledge they really use in work outing their jobs. Symbolic larning techniques ( e.g. inductive acquisition by illustrations ) are used to add acquisition, and knowledge direction capablenesss to expert systems ( Bourlas et al. , 1996 ) . Given a set of clinical instances that act as illustrations, larning in intelligent systems can be achieved utilizing ML methods that are able to bring forth a systematic description of those clinical characteristics that unambiguously characterize the clinical conditions. This cognition can be expressed in the signifier of simple regulations, or frequently as a determination tree. A authoritative illustration of this type of system is KARDIO, which was developed to construe ECGs ( Bratko et al. , 1989 ) . This attack can be extended to manage instances where there is no old experience in the reading and apprehension of medical informations. For illustration, in the work of Hau and Coiera ( Hau and Coiera, 1997 ) an intelligent system, which takes real-time patient informations obtained during cardiac beltway surgery and so creates theoretical accounts of normal and unnatural cardiac physiology, for sensing of alterations in a patient ‘s status is described. Additionally, in a research scene, these theoretical accounts can function as initial hypotheses that can drive farther experimentation.2.1 MethodologyIn this subdivision we propose a new algorithm called REMED ( Rule Extraction for MEdical Diagnostic ) . The REMED algorithm includes three chief stairss: 1 ) attributes choice, 2 ) choice of initial dividers, and eventually 3 ) regulation building.2.1.1 Attributes ChoiceFor the first measure we consider that in medical pattern the aggregation of datasets is frequently expensiv e and clip consuming. Then, it is desirable to hold a classifier that is able to reliably name with a little sum of informations about the patients. In the first portion of REMED we use simple logistic arrested development to quantify the hazard of enduring the disease with regard to the addition or decrease of an 574attribute. We ever use high assurance degrees ( & gt ; 99 % ) to choose properties that are truly important and to vouch the building of more precise regulations. Other of import facet to reference is that depending on the sort of association established ( positive or negative ) through the odds ratio metric, we build the sentence structure with which each property ‘s divider will look in the regulations system. This portion of the algorithm is shown in the top of figure Partitions ChoiceThe 2nd portion of REMED comes from the fact that if an property ten has been statistically important in the anticipation of a disease, so its mean ten ( mean of the value s of the property ) is a good campaigner as initial divider of the property. We sort the illustrations by the property ‘s value and from the initial divider of each property, we search the following positive illustration ( category = 1 ) in the way of the established association. Then, we calculate a new divider through the norm between the value of the found illustration and the value of its predecessor or replacement. This supplanting is carried out merely one time for each property. This can be seen in the in-between portion of figure Rules ConstructionIn the last portion of the algorithm, we build a simple regulation system of the undermentioned manner: if ( ei,1 a†°? p1 ) and ( ei, J a†°Ã‚ ¤ pj ) and aˆÂ ¦ and ( ei, m a†°? autopsy ) so category = 1 else category = 0 where ei, J denotes the value of attribute J for illustration I, pj denotes the divider for attribute J and the relation a†°? or a†°Ã‚ ¤ depends on the association attribu te-disease. With this regulation system we make a first categorization. We so seek to better the truth of our system by increasing or diminishing the value of each divider every bit much as possible. For this we apply the bisection method and cipher possible new dividers get downing with the current divider of each property and the upper limit or minimal value of the illustrations for this property. We build a temporal regulation system altering the current divider by each new divider and sort the illustrations once more. We merely see a new divider if it diminishes the figure of false positives ( FP ) but does non decrease the figure of true positives ( TP ) . This measure is repeated for each property until we overcome the established convergence degree for the bisection method or the current regulation system is non able to diminish the figure of FP ( healthy individuals diagnosed falsely ) . This portion of the algorithm is exemplified at the underside of figure 1. We can appreciate that the end of REMED is to maximise the minority category truth at each measure, foremost choosing the properties that are strongly associated with the positive category. Then halting the hunt of the divider that better discriminates both categories in the first positive illustration, and eventually seeking to better the truth of the regulation system but without decreasing the figure of TP ( ill individuals diagnosed right ) .3. Machine acquisition in complementary medical specialty3.1 Kirlian consequence – a scientific tool for analyzing elusive energiesThe history of the so called Kirlian consequence, besides known as the Gas Discharge Visualization ( GDV ) technique ( a wider term that includes besides some other techniques is bioelectrography ) , goes back to 1777 when G.C. Lihtenberg in Germany recorded electrographs of skiding discharge in dust created by inactive electricity and electric flickers. Subsequently assorted researches contributed to the d evelopment of the technique ( Korotkov, 1998b ) : Nikola Tesla in the USA, J.J. Narkiewich-Jodko in Russia, Pratt and Schlemmer in Prague until the Russian technician Semyon D. Kirlian together with his married woman Valentina noticed that through the interaction of electric currents and exposure home bases, imprints of life beings developed on movie. In 1970 100s of partisans started to reproduce Kirlian exposure an the research was until 1995 limited to utilizing a photo-paper technique. In 1995 a new attack, based on CCD Video techniques, and computing machine processing of information was developed by Korotkov ( 1998a ; B ) and his squad in St. Petersburg, Russia. Their instrument Crown-TV can be routinely used which opens practical possibilities to analyze the effects of GDV. The basic thought of GDV is to make an electromagnetic field utilizing a high electromotive force and high frequence generator. After a thershold electromotive force is exceeded the ionisation of gas around the studied object takes topographic point and as a side consequence the quanta of light { photons are emitted. So the discharge can be fixed optically by a exposure, exposure detector or TV-camera. Assorted parametric quantities inA °uence the ionisation procedure ( Korotkov, 1998b ) : gas belongingss ( gas type, force per unit area, gas content ) , electromotive force parametric quantities ( amplitude, frequence, impulse wave form ) , electrode parametric quantities ( constellation, distance, dust and wet, macro and micro defects, electromagnetic field constellation ) and studied object parametric quantities ( common electric resistance, physical Fieldss, skin voltaic response, etc. ) . So the Kirlian consequence is the consequence of mechanical, chemical, and electromagnetic procedures, and field interactions. Gas discharge acts as agencies of heightening and visual image of super-weak procedures. Due to the big figure of parametric quantities that inA °uence the Kirlian consequence it is really diA ±cult or impossible to command them all, so in the development of discharge there is ever an component of vagueness or stochastic. This is one of the grounds why the technique has non yet been widely accepted in pattern as consequences did non hold a high duplicability. All accounts of the Kirlian consequence apprehended A °uorescence as the emanation of a biological object. Due to the low duplicability, in academic circles there was a widely dispersed sentiment that all ascertained phenomena are nil else but A °uctuation of the crown discharge without any connexion to the studied object. With modern engineering, the duplicability became suA ±cent to enable serious scientific surveies. Besides analyzing inanimate objects, such as H2O and assorted liquids ( Korotkov, 1998b ) , minerals, the most widely studied are populating beings: workss ( foliage, seeds, etc. ( Korotkov and Kouznetsov, 1997 ; Korotkov, 1998b ) ) , animate beings ( Krashenuk et al. , 1998 ) , and of class worlds. For worlds, most widely recorded are aureoles of fingers ( Kraweck, 1994 ; Korotkov, 1998b ) , and GDV records of blood extracts ( Voeikov, 1998 ) . Principal among these are surveies of the psycho-physiological province and energy of a human, diagnosing ( Gurvits and Korotkov, 1998 ) , reactions to some medical specialties, reactions to assorted substances, nutrient ( Kraweck, 1994 ) , dental intervention ( Lee, 1998 ) , alternate healing intervention, such as stylostixis, ‘bioenergy ‘ , homoeopathy, assorted relaxation and massage techniques ( Korotkov, 1998b ) , GEM therapy, applied kineziology and A °ower kernel intervention ( Hein, 1999 ) , leech therapy, etc. , and eve n analyzing the GDV images after decease ( Korotkov, 1998a ) . There are many surveies presently traveling on all over the universe and there is no uncertainty that the human elusive energy field, as vizualized utilizing the GDV technique, is extremely correlated to the homo ‘s psycho-physiological province, and can be used for nosologies, omens, theraphy choice, and commanding the effects of the therapy.4.LimitationM. Schurr, from the Section for Minimal Invasive Surgery of the Eberhard-Karls-University of Tuebingen, gave an invited talk on endoscopic techniques and the function of ML methods in this context. He referred to current restrictions of endoscopic techniques, which are related to the limitations of entree to the human organic structure, associated to endoscopy. In this respect, the proficient restrictions include: limitations of manual capablenesss to pull strings human variety meats through a little entree, restrictions in visualising tissues and limitations in acquiring diagnostic information about tissues. To relieve these jobs, international engin eering developments concentrate on the creative activity of new use techniques affecting robotics and intelligent detector devices for more precise endoscopic intercessions. It is acknowledged that this new coevals of detector devices contributes to the development and spread of intelligent systems in medical specialty by supplying ML methods with informations for farther processing. Current applications include suturing in cardiac surgery, and other clinical Fieldss. It was mentioned that peculiar focal point is put by several research groups on the development of new endoscopic visualizing and diagnostic tools. In this context, the potencies of new imaging rules, such as fluorescence imagination or optical maser scanning microscopy, and machine acquisition methods are really high. The clinical thought behind these developments is early sensing of malignant lesions in phases were local endoscopic therapy is possible. Technical developments in this field are really promising, nevert heless, clinical consequences are still pending and ongoing research will hold to clear up the existent potency of these engineerings for clinical usage. Moustakis and Charissis ‘ work ( Moustakis and Charissis, 1999 ) surveyed the function of ML in medical determination devising and provided an extended literature reappraisal on assorted ML applications in medical specialty that could be utile to practicians interested in using ML methods to better the efficiency and quality of medical determination doing systems. In this work the point of acquiring off from the truth measures as exclusive rating standards of larning algorithms was stressed. The issue of understandability, i.e. how good the medical expert can understand and therefore utilize the consequences from a system that applies ML methods, is really of import and should be carefully considered in the rating.5.Improvement & A ; ConclusionThe workshop gave the chance to research workers working in the ML field to acquire an overview of current work of ML in medical applications and/or addition understanding and experience in this country. Furthermore, immature research wor kers had the chance to show their thoughts, and received feedback from other workers in the country. The participants acknowledged that the diffusion of ML methods in medical applications can be really effectual in bettering the efficiency and the quality of medical attention, but it still presents jobs that are related to both theory and applications. From a theoretic point of position, it is of import to heighten our apprehension of ML algorithms every bit good as to supply mathematical justifications for their belongingss, in order to reply cardinal inquiries and get utile penetration in the public presentation and behaviour of ML methods. On the other manus, some major issues which concern the procedure of larning cognition in pattern are the visual image of the erudite cognition, the demand for algorithms that will pull out apprehensible regulations from nervous webs, every bit good as algorithms for placing noise and outliers in the information. The participants besides mentioned some other jobs that arise in ML applications and should be addressed, like the control of over adjustment and the grading belongingss of the ML methods so that they can use to jobs with big datasets, and high-dimensional input ( characteristic ) and end product ( classes-categories ) infinites. A repeating subject in the recommendations made by the participants was the demand for understandability of the acquisition result, relevancy of regulations, standards for choosing the ML applications in the medical context, the integrating with the patient records and the description of the appropriate degree and function of intelligent systems in health care. These issues are really complex, as proficient, organisational and societal issues become intertwined. Previous research and experience suggests that the successful execution of information systems ( e.g. , ( Anderson, 1997 ; Pouloudi, 1999 ) ) , and determination support systems in peculiar ( e.g. , ( Lane et al. , 1996 ; Ridderikhoff and new wave Herk, 1999 ) ) , in the country of health care relies on the successful integrating of the engineering with the organisational and societal context within which it is applied. Medical information is critical for the diagnosing and intervention of patients and therefore the ethical issues presented during its life rhythm are critical. Understanding these issues becomes imperative as such engineerings become permeant. Some of these issues are system-centered, i.e. , related to the built-in jobs of the ML research. However, it is worlds, non systems, who can move as moral agents. This means that it is worlds that can place and cover with ethical issues. Therefore, it is of import to analyze the emerging challenges and ethical issues from a human-centred position by sing the motives and ethical quandary of research workers, developers and medical users of ML methods in medical applications.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Acupuncture as a nonconventional treatment for chronic neck pain Essay

Acupuncture as a nonconventional word for continuing uterine cervix b resistentful sensationIntroduction IntroductionNeck distress has been classified as maven of the coarseest problems among the masses. This destine arises from versatile dis hostels or it whitethorn originate from tissues located at the roll in the hay (Hush, et al., (2009).The issue is besides know as a cervical toughie. The phonograph rec gildns grammatical construction is characterized by vertebrae which give from the upper soundbox to the skulls base. The stability of the spine is associated to ligaments and muscles that run along the vertebrae (National Institutes of Health. (2013). A recognizes main richness is its mobility and the support it accords to the head. It is disposed to injuries be prepargon it is non offered much protection uni plaster band senesce the rest of the spine. Injuries norm only(a)y ca give slight and defineed mobility and triggers NAIP. Unfortunately bang a gony argon non accorded seriousness, most people manage the do bruise as temporary. at that coif be unique examples where the symptoms do non go away and consequently diagnosis and corresponding discussion is compulsory (Ameri post Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (2013). detectives (De Loose, V., Burnotte, F., Cagnie, B., Stevens, V., & forefront Tiggelen, D. (2008). live with fix unwrap that the diligence be ca apply by several(prenominal) itemors much(prenominal) as wear and tear, sprains and abnormalities of the distinguish tissue. There is consequence of sleep with hurt arising from sepa tread effort much(prenominal)(prenominal) as arm or shoulder industry (De loose, 2008). Normally activities such as original bends of the pick discover, go and vehicle accidents locoweed ca ingestion screw injuries. In plastered situations dam date of the eff female genitals dam days the spine make paralysis. Re seemers switch excessively effect off th at Spondylosis which occurs in people supra the age of 40, adds strains to pick out it away joints creating a path for continuing make out throe. But the condition is cut acrossable by means of twain conventional and nonconventional manners. inquiryers and doctors concord set stylostixis as a nonconventional intervention vogue which is a very potent order for treating degenerative get along discommodefulnesss. Researcher (Blosssfeldt, 2004), says that, stylostixis is gaining momentum as a popular nonconventional word method for inveterate uterine cervix trouble cardinalself. He worrywise adds that, the method has been rise tolerated and has low take a chance of unbecoming effect. (Liang et al, 2008) says that, a combination of both conventional and modern stylostixis technique comm besides result in a enter and improved bang twinge patterns. (Blossfeldt, 2004) adds that stylostixis is widely accepted and it is utilized as a complementary thera py mapful in eff infliction management originating from cervical spondylitis. Researchers pass water carried extinct studies relating to stylostixis magisterial round off with an aim to find out on stylostixis efficientness. The studies own set in motion legalness evidence as ill-advised (salter et al, 2004). There argon studies which suffer produced results which atomic list 18 corroboratoryly favoring stylostixis and in that location be former(a) results which stand produced negative findings on the sound of the method (salter et al, 2004). Due to the vary results, this look into was developed to find out on the strong point of stylostixis method as a non-conventional method in manipulation of degenerative have it off strain in congenator to other investigate findings. In respect to national headspringness statistics and reports, Survey entropy analysis can be roled by health check checkup professionals to measure the sufferful sens ation levels of patients before and afterwards stylostixis interposition. Gathering results from various studies and equalize with the structures of acupuncture and preventive measures of roll in the hay tortures can help us notice on the forcefulness of acupuncture as a interposition method. In this belles-lettres revaluation the tec will review on 1) how to establish the viability of acupuncture therapies in the interposition of inveterate neck spite 2) understanding of how cloak, change and ergodicized acupuncture therapies are utilized in the sermon of degenerative neck smart in the ass 3)provide a conclusive evidence of the mastery of acupuncture as an ideal method of relieving disoblige 4)establish the make of the iii acupuncture therapies in the manipulation of individualists with inveterate pain of the neck 5)offer recommendation of the viability of acupuncture as a treatment option that can be roled by people with degenerative neck var.. Th e searcher will alike compare the duration of acupuncture treatment with other methods and as well the cost associated and put on the line factors thereof. methodOLOGYTarget PopulationThe interrogation data serene in this sight foc utilize on patients abject from chronic neck pain. The individuals used in the look for fell deep down the age of 21 and 55 long magazine obsolete. Although there are galore(postnominal) patients who report approximately neck pain ailments in diverse health care facilities across the unify tell aparts, patients withinthe ages of 21 and 55 stratums old were ideal for this look battlefield. This was due to the fact that they were easier to track their progress of ameliorate all over a long- line blockage of time. antiquated patients over the age of 55 years were not best displace in this look into looking the various attri butes in the better surgical procedurees of such people, which was proven to be comparatively lower. a pproximately of the data aboutindividuals with chronic pain of the neck was indiscriminately collected in health care facilities in the State of California, United States. The majority of these patients were diagnosed with chronic neck pain and were put under a special focus while cardinal acupuncture methods of therapies were causeed(Witt 2004, p. 99). The test principally oblige-to doe with a thorough investigation of 191 patients in Californias health care. It is primal to ac friendship that the various patients were deliberately initiated to acupuncture treatment as their decision to assay the resource medical examination design after(prenominal) unsuccessful treatments in the mainstream medical procedures. There were certainly no limitation on the sex of the patients accordingly the research convolute both man wish rise up and female patients. Additionally, there was no specified itemize of male or females in the get wind, as patients, treatment and progress of treatment of patients was randomly interpreted. Further, it was sour that both male and female patients give uped homogeneous responses to the different acupuncture therapies performed in the study(Sun et al, 2009, p. 850).The research was not limited by each ethnicity or race, although believed to have different characteristics in depend to various medical procedures. Variables of the studyThe subordinate variables in this study admit the neck pain as an ailment caused by various eyeshots such as physiologic injury and disease or condition among others. The rates of cases involving chronic neck pains during the conclusion of this study were generally uncommon as the causes of such ailments greatly varied. continuing neck pain among the patients varied in regard to the limited causes, which in this case involve degenerative disc disease, neck injury, neck strain, herniated disc as well as pinched neck(Sun et al, 2009, p. 850). The first feel in the treatment proce dure obscure a thorough diagnosis of common neck transmission systems that caused the chronic pain. The research exploits treatment of such neck pains victimisation acupuncture which falls into trio categories including optimized acupuncture, shallow acupuncture and dissimulation acupuncture. Research LimitationsThe call limitations were based on neck pain due to common contagion like computer computer virus infection of the neck and lymph nope swelling, as well as other infections such as tuberculosis of the neck, meningitis, and infection of spine bones around the neck. It was difficult in the study since some of patients did not present themselves on the day of the study. The study also used a large number of patients which was a challenge for the researcher. The different patients tangled in this study had chronic neck pains attributed to extremely different causes, which holdd physical injuries, some rare infections, and virus infections among others(Witt 2004, p. 99) . The patients with this problem are generally taken finished and through the three acupuncture therapies, unheeding of the cause of their condition(Hush 2004, p. 1533). The fact that all patients are uniformly taken into convertible medical procedures without being categorized in relation to their specific cause of chronic neck pain remain as the sterling(prenominal) limiting attribute of this research. Additionally, time was a limiting factor since the time allowed for the research was not enough to streamlinedly rig critically the objectives of the study. Research criteria and Database usedIn this study, the items were collected through searching peer reviewed journal expressions and therefore, the researcher thoroughly searched in various databases for article that provided selective information for patients suffering from chronic neck pains, specifically those individuals amongst the age of 21 and 55 years old. The researcher get ahead categorized the data collected to form devil separates of patients of the age bracket of 21 and 34 years and those in the midst of 35 and 55 years old. The creation of these two convocations was essential as taking a wider dictate of people of ages 21 to 55 years old would present relatively a higher deviation in the heal processes of the patients, as those above the age of 35 years present a much longer decimal point of healing as compared to the youthful 21 to 34 years convention. The researcher focused the search on SPORT Discus, donnish wait Premier, BMJ Research Articles and Gov., database. Keywords used in the studyThe cardinal terms the researcher comm single used while searching for the relevant articles included Chronic neck pain, cervical pain graphic symbols of acupuncture, alternative medicine, pietism acupuncture, Shallow acupuncture and Randomized acupuncture. OVERVIEW OF stylostixis PRACTICEPracticing acupuncture started m all(prenominal) centuries ago as a type of medication in Ch ina. It is the exercise of implanting needles at certain points of the human skin as a form of therapy. In acupuncture practices, there is no involvement of drugs but only the needles are enough to follow through the therapy (Liang et al, 8). The practice originated from China and has been noted to dust all over west of europium (Liang et al, 8).As argued by the model on Chinese medicine, the specific places that the acupuncture needles are placed lies on the path named meridians where the dynamic push goes through, indeed allowing its access to control and learn the flow of energy which is believed to be the cause of force imbalance (Willich et al, 2006, p. 98). Populations and AcupunctureAcupuncture has been practiced in several parts globally, in particular in Europe even though it is in its inception stages in the United States. harmonise to NHI subject done in the year 2007 that also considered the use of CAM in America,where 1.4% of the respondents were put in to be victimisation acupuncture before then. The 3.1 million of the American population claimed they only practice it majorly for severe migraine and repetitious pain. The study showed that half of the respondents used acupuncture to treat chronic neck pain (Sun et al, 2009, p. 850). The practice should obviously be regarded by physicians as an ideal treatment sense of taste due to the backing it has accepted from those individuals who have used it in the treatment of chronic neck pain. Subsequently, the study did not restrict the adults basing on their gender due to limited research. CHRONIC discern PAINChronic neck pain is an ailment that is characterized by pain in the neck that lasts for an unnormally long period of time, commonly over a period of three months(Blossfeldt, 2004). Although different from the common medical conditions of neck pains that last for only days, chronic neck pain is typically an ailment that takes even years without success in its treatment in the mainst ream medical practices(Irnich, 2002). Chronic neck pain is usually associated with a number of disorders, as well as diseases that can involve any of the tissues around the neck(Witt 2004, p. 99). For instance, the common causes of this condition are strains of the neck, injury of the neck like a herniated disc, pinched disc, or whiplash, and degenerative disc disease. In addition, chronic neck pain is also linked to common infection like virus infection of the neck and lymph nope swelling, as well as other infections such as tuberculosis of the neck, meningitis, and infection of spine bones around the neck. few patients also had chronic neck pains caused by extremely different causes, which include physical injuries, some rare infections, and virus infections among others. Further, chronic neck pain is also caused by certain infections like virus infection of the neck and lymph nope swelling, as well as other infections such as tuberculosis of the neck, meningitis, and infection of spine bones around the neck. RISK FACTORS OF CHRONIC know PAINSChronic neck pain is generally caused by numerous factors ranging from physical injury to certain infections around the neck body tissues. Since neck pain affects the muscles around the body areas of the neck, it becomes bothersome to move the neck (De Loose, 2008, p. 475). In order to avoid or to prevent neck pains for the patients, it is always essential to consider staying away from activities may twist the neck and subsequently aggravate the already poignant section of the neck(Witt 2004, p. 99). Therisk factors for the pain usually include injury from involvement in activities like motor vehicle accidents, horse riding, speck sports and bull riding among others, degeneration of cervical disc also known as Spondylitis, neck bent and twisting positions (De Loose, 2008, p. 475).In addition, it is also advisable to have activities that will lift neck strengthening exercise, as well as neck bracing, reduce TV wat ching usage of sentry duty belts in motor vehicles and going to the gym for exercise. TYPES OF stylostixis USED IN CHRONIC NECK PAIN TREATMENTOptimized acupuncture therapyThe practice of optimized acupuncture therapy involves the utilization of traditional acupuncture, which is usually followed by intradermal needle therapy, commonly referred to as INT(Hush 2004, p. 1533). The use of OAT usually consists of the use of order acupuncture points typically selected for an optimized acupuncture therapy conference on the advice and consensus of the national expert committal of the OAT procedures. In this case, four points are subsequently located by physician intending to perform the OAT. The points selected are usually the cervical unequivocal reactions planes found in the top and come home of the cervical planes as well as horizontally away from the corresponding cervical vertebra(Witt 2004, p. 99). The study found that this type of acupuncture practice is highly sensitive and hen ce the need to be performed by an individual with much than than five of practice experiences Sham acupuncture therapyThe practice is put into use only as a brute for control in the scientific research in order to measure the might of real acupuncture in various disease treatment. This type of acupuncture involves the use of skin penetrating shallow needles on the specified make groups provide points.The tender points that are used in this method of acupuncture therapy are categorized as the key areas recommended for the acupuncture, which are the Ah Shee, also referred to as oh yes point. The points are crucial in this therapy and have to be used end-to-end the treatment procedure. Typically, the location of take over points is commonly defined by 25mm lateral extending to the amount location used for the OAT group.They include the sham point of Dazhui (GV14) 25mm, which is 25 mm vertically below the usual old-hat GV14, sham points of (S115) Jianzhongshu and Huatuojiaji, which is 25 mm lateral to standard S115 (Liang et al, 8). After the sham acupuncture, individuals undergoing the process or patients are treat through the use of point pressing (De Loose, 2008, p. 475). The findings show that a patient does not notice whether it is sham or real acupuncture being used. The results showed that the variation among real and sham practices are caused by habituation or the control set up. If the real acupuncture is efficient compared to the sham, then the habituation and control effects such as expectations of the patient, behavior and beliefs are present. Shallow acupuncture therapyShallow acupuncture group undergoes similar procedures as the other OAT groups.However, the physicians are required to insert the needles in a vertical manner in order to reach the subcutaneous level at a specified depth of not more than 3 mm (Salter et al, 2004). molest manipulation or any other sensation is prohibited in this resultant group. Ultimately, after the shal low acupuncture, the patients are additionally inured by INT through the use of a similar method as in the other OAT groups. It was found that the therapy do not fully treat the pain fully due to its shallow incursion hence the need for additional treatment that follow the corresponding procedures. It results to a more efficient treatment in compare to other therapies though takes much time (Salter et al, 2004). ACUPUNCTURE AS AN IDEAL METHOD COMPARED TO PHYSIOTHERAPYZhuang (2012) Robertshawe, (2008), compares the use of acupuncture and physiatrics in the treatment of chronic neck pain in a research that took place in China. The research involved screen of a total of 310 patients. The patients were then randomly split into two equal groups, where one group was treated using acupuncture method, while the other group received treatment through physiotherapy. The outcome of the treatment of the two procedures revealed that patients treated under acupuncture procedures had better results in relieving neck pain, in particular after a period of three months. It is essential to acknowledge that physiotherapy is an alternative medical practice that can be used in the treatment of chronic neck pain. While acupuncture therapies generally used sterilizes needles that are usually inserted in the area around the neck depending on the type of acupuncture used, physiotherapy does not involve the use of needles. Physiotherapy utilizes several types of manipulation as well as exercise to relieve pain. The common exercise of the use of physiotherapy is the stretch, strengthen and decompress up exercise movements of the neck (Robertshawe, 2008 Willich, 2006). personal effects OF ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENTWhite, (2001) Ji-Eun, (2010), researched about the untoward effects pastime a use of acupuncture to treat patients with chronic neck pain. In his great deal, which included a prospective report of 32,000 consultations with physiotherapists and doctors, the researcher, Ad rian White aimed at ascertaining the incidence of ill effects that are relate to acupuncture treatment, as practiced by British doctors during that time. The research utilized data that were collected for the June of 1998 to February of 2000, from a total of 78 acupuncturists. raw the resulting significant effects were 43, subsequently freehand only a rate of only 14 patients of the 10,000 patients included in the data. The results of this study showed that only 0.14 percent of the patients who used acupuncture in the treatment of chronic pain experience adverse effects (White, 2001). totally the adverse effects were reported to have had cleared within the period of one week after the therapy. Similar change magnitude effects were characterized at a longer period, except for only one incident that lasted for several weeks. The result derived from the data of acupuncture treatment did not report any serious adverse effects. The rates can only be classified as negligible consid ering that it was only 14 adverse effects out of the total 10,000 patients who were analyze with the data provided (White, 2001 Ji-Eun, 2010). Generally, these effect rates do not give significant risk per individual patient. RECOMMENDATION ON ACUPUNCTURES VIABILITYThe article by subgenus subgenus Chen, et al., (2010), offers grievous bodily harm views on acupuncture given by various physicians. The research by Chen among other authors who contributed to the article, there study targets salt away information that addresses the role of acupuncture in the management of pain in regard to opinions of physicians who manage such conditions. The research was conducted in the midst of 2007 and 2008 using a nationwide netmail to 1083 physicians who were in active acupuncture practice in the United States. Chan et al., (2010) found that the overwhelmingly majority of the responders of the survey had a positive attitude and favorable experience of the use of acupuncture as an alternative modal value in the management of chronic pain. The results of the survey subsequently indicate that acupuncture is considered effective by physicians in the management of chronic neck pain. CASE STUDIESAcupuncture for patients with chronic neck painWitt et al., (2006) undertook the study in examining how effective acupuncture as an alternative treatment for neck pain treatment in comparison to patients who used purpose medical care. The study used a random approach of more than 14000 individuals aged above 18 suffering from neck pain symptoms within a period of 6 months. Also took a non-acupuncture for 15 sessions within a period of 3 months. The acupuncture category were given injections without any other acupuncture treatment. The group which was controlled was not treated using acupuncture but both groups could use any other mode of treatment. The study found out that patients using routine care and add on acupuncture treatment showed significant advances in both pain and quali ty of their lives in comparison to patients who only used routine treatments. Therefore, the results concludes that acupuncture can be used alongside routine treatments to achieve optimal results. Efficacy and safety of acupunctureVas, et al, (2006) conducted a study to establish the strong suit of acupuncture vis a vis placebo. Both methods were to be utilized to treat chronic neck pains that were not complicated. (N=123) patients, who were over the ages 17 and who possessed chronic neck pains for over 3 months were used. They were randomly selected into 2 groups, the acupuncture group and placebo group. For 3 weeks, the acupuncture group was treated with 5 acupuncture treatments. The treatment characteristics were, 30 minutes treatment followed by 10 minutes manual treatments. While the placebo group was subjected to transcutaneous nerve stimulation, which was characterized by 30 minutes of treatment and the potentiometer was being adjusted after every 10 minutes. The findings f rom this study were that, acupuncture as a form of neck treatment had minimal side effects. For overall effectiveness, acupuncture was found to have higher effectiveness than placebo. Researchers conclusively said that, acupuncture was effective. DISCUSSIONIn its broad context, this research has dwelled in covering all the related material on acupuncture and especially its effectiveness in treatment of acupuncture. Most are the studies which have found tidy effectiveness and a few studies have found less significant improvement in acupuncture use. The researchers (salter et al, 2006 Liang et al 2012 Chen et al 2010 vas et al 2006) have favorably recognized acupuncture as an effective non-conventional treatment method. From the review above, it is diaphanous that all the methods of acupuncture are effective in treatment of chronic neck pains. Sham, optimization and shallow acupuncture all have a capacity of effectiveness when administered well. The various studies by salter have p rovided solid practical evidence and information on patients health upon using all the three types of acupuncture in treatment of patients and individuals (salter et al 2004). For example in 2007, a national health interview survey in America found that, 1.4% of respondents have used acupuncture to treat chronic neck pains. That percentage reported success, which is a testament to acupunctures effectiveness (National Center for complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012). (Blossfeldt, 2004) in his research notes that, acupuncture optimized technique success rate was a favorable 68%. Blossfeldt also noted that, on short term basis, acupuncture was 78% effective, while on long term basis it was 49% effective. Salter also found out on effectiveness of acupuncture. The neck pain questionnaire that he used for a period of 3 months, found out that, of the 34 % of the patients who have neck pains, 14% of these have effectively used acupuncture therapy (salter et al 2004) another researche r Liang, who conducted studies in chinaware in association with other scholars, they found out that optimized acupuncture as a method of treating chronic neck pains was very effective. Although I extensively performed research on a wide range of databases, there are some articles that may have been missed out. Since I was singlely conducting this research alone, it is possible that the large number of crucial articles were subsequently overlooked. In addition, there are many external factors that could have influenced the entire result of the use of acupuncture as an ideal treatment for chronic neck pain. The majority of studies slightly differ in a number of issues such as data collected, population, or any of combinations of these factors. White (2001) precisely researched about the adverse events following a use of acupuncture to treat patients with chronic neck pain, with an extreme number of respondents. Chen, L. et al., (2010), had a relatively littler number of responders, and also had collection of data to be collected only through email in his research on the effectiveness of acupuncture in the management of chronic pain in the neck. These are some of the factors that were out of the scope of the research, hence determining the effectiveness of acupuncture was difficult, since the aspect of effectiveness could easily be degage from some external factors. The analysis of the specific information provided by the studies of the literature review of this research root indicates that either of the three methods of acupuncture can effectively treat the chronic neck pain. The procedural practice of sham, shallow and optimized acupuncture, though different, they present similar way of performing the acupuncture therapy, every bit offering effective treatment for chronic neck pain. Liang et al, (2012) asserts that the three types of acupuncture to be based on the thought that devolve or alienation of pain can be enhanced by cathartic the chemicals respo nsible for blocking pain. Issues of age in the study have been considered as the research only focused on individuals between 21 years old and 55 years, as they are likely to have a faster period of healing as compared to adult elderly groups of more than 55 years old. Generally, the use of acupuncture is illustrated as effective as it has antecedently been used to treat patients with chronic neck pain. The loopholes evident in the research include the possibility of a prior knowledge in determining the differences that may bring out upon consideration for gender in the treatment program. In the entire study, there is no single explanation of the ratio of females against the males in finding out the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment procedures. The study focused on a general perspective of patients with chronic neck pain regardless of their respective sex or gender. The knowledge of the differences that endure between males and females could have some effects on the understan ding the use of acupuncture. In addition, the paper did not focus on the causes of the various neck pain, which could also via media the results of the study, considering that such plans are typically attributed to a wide variety of causes. Topics that can be considered for further research are establishing the piece of gender in determining the effectiveness of acupuncture while treating chronic neck problem. The various studies illustrated in the research paper did not point out the importance of understanding differences in the healing process of male and female patients with chronic neck pain. I suggest a study be conducted with a major furiousness on the aspect of gender differences between patients in order to determine the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment for neck pain in male and female patients. If this study is conducted, it will be possible to compare the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment between male and female patients within the same health condition of c hronic neck pain.ReferencesBlossfeldt, P. (2004). Acupuncture for Chronic neck pain a cohort study in an NHS pain Clinic.22(3) 146-151. Retrieved from http//, L., Houghton, M., Seefeld, L., Malarick, C. & Mao.Jianren. (2010). 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